Instead, I'm going to go weird.
Hit Die: d6
Template A: 2 rank 1 abilities
Template B: +1 ability rank, +1 rank 1 ability
Template C: +2 ability ranks
Template D: +1 rank in all abilities, gain all abilities you don't have yet at rank 1
1. Charades
Rank 1: You can communicate silently in a complex sign language. The rest of your party knows this code, but no one else does.
Rank 2: Your sign language has gotten more interwoven with the cultures and languages you know, becoming a web of silent references. Through this method, you can communicate in every language you know silently.
Rank 3: The silent language starts to work through the subconscious mind. You can communicate with anyone, no matter what language they speak, silently.
2. Invisible Object
Rank 1: You can create an invisible simple object, at most the size of your head. You are the only person who can touch this object. If you create another one, the first vanishes.
Rank 2: The object you create can be the size of your body. Other people can touch the object, but you cannot hurt people using it.
Rank 3: The object you create can be more complex - a lockpick, a sword, etc. You can damage people with the object.
3. Distraction
Rank 1: People love your acts. When you begin to mime, everyone watching must make a Wisdom save or watch you for 1d6 minutes.
Rank 2: Everyone who fails their save will watch for a full 6 minutes.
Rank 3: People no longer get to make a save.
4. Silence
Rank 1: You are silent. Things around you are not. For example, you can walk or run silently, but if you knock over a vase, it makes noise.
Rank 2: You can choose up to 3 people. For 15 minutes, all three of those people are silent.
Rank 3: You can designate an entire area the size of a house. Inside this area, nothing makes noise for 1 hour.
5. Hidden Hands
Rank 1: You can instantly move something from your hand to storage, without moving your hands.
Rank 2: If you can reach someone, you can instantly move anything on their person into your pockets. You cannot do this to anything they are currently wearing or holding.
Rank 3: You can do this to things someone is currently wearing or holding.
6. Unnatural Movements
Rank 1: Using invisible handholds, you can climb vertical surfaces at your walking speed.
Rank 2: Once per day, you can walk through walls on your round.
Rank 3: Once per day, if you are not being watched for any amount of time, including blinking, you can completely hide yourself.